Events and Highlights
Noticed anything missing here? Drop us an email at [email protected] so that we can add missing information!
From 18 to 25 October, our scouts engaged in JOTA-JOTI activities and interactions with Scout Troops from around the world!
We’d like to extend our thanks to the over
11 Scout Troops
from Asia, Europe, Oceania and America that have taken the time to chat with us! Check out our 2 Instagram Posts to find out more! (Post 1) (Post 2)
Investiture and Appointment Ceremony 2024
We witnessed the investiture of our new Year 1 Scouts and the appointment of our Year 3 Court-of-Honour and Year 5 Group Council.
This was also our 2nd year hosting an experiential session, where parents got a first-hand experience of Scouting Activities!
Our Year 1s and Year 5 Leaders also made speeches, talking about their experiences in Scouting and providing insights into the wide range of troop activities organised for our Scouts.
Istana Open House (National Day)
6 of our troop members participated in the Istana Open House for National Day, performing duties such as helping with guided tours, taking photos, helping to give directions and more.
It was a fun and fulfilling experience for all involved and we hope this encourages our Scouts to be even more involved with other communities. 😆
Scout Leadership Camp 2024
Our Y2 2024 batch went for SLC this year, building up skills for their future in Scouting and also for leadership roles as Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol Leaders to help lead the troop to greater heights.
This year, we also experienced a tremendous amount of support from our troop, with over 20 Service Scouts from different levels attending!
June Camp 2024
The June Camp this year featured multiple things that have not been seen since pre-COVID times! Our Scouts engaged in an exciting night hike to St Patrick’s School, where they camped for 1 night, and engaged in fun activities at East Coast Park.
It was a novel experience for all our Scouts and we hope everyone had fun!
In collaboration with Creating Smiles (facebook), a Non-Profit Organisation, our Scouts participated in the distribution of meal packets to seniors at Blocks 91-93, Henderson Road.
It was an eye-opening experience for many of our scouts, and all our scouts actively participated and engaged with the seniors!
01 Annual Show/DSG Campfire
Recently, our scouts attended the Annual Show held by 01 Scouts. It was an enthralling time for all with the spectacular show put on by 01.
Whilst some of our scouts attended the Annual Show, others attended the DSG Campfire.
Scouts at both campfires throughly enjoyed themselves with the different campfire songs that were sung and also the wonderfully lively atmosphere.
Hosting Mingdao Scouts
We had the amazing chance to host 13 students and 2 teachers from Mingdao High School (Taichung, Taiwan) who are on an immersion programme at our school.
We learnt about how they do scouting and also shared some of our scouting activities and experiences with them.
Scouting is truly about making friends. (:
South Area Cub Scout Mind Quiz 2024
10th Sri Lanka National Jamboree
Faiq, Jun Hong and Lucas, 3 of our ventures, partook in the 10th Sri Lanka National Jamboree this year as part of the Singapore contingent.
There were many new and unqiue experiences for them, such as badge/scarf trading, interacting with other scouts from around the world and experiencing a completely different environment from the cityscapes of Singapore.
Diamond Jubilee Challenge 2024 Launch + Fireside Chat
Organised by the Singapore Scout Association, 5 of our Year 4 Scouts and 4 of our Year 5 Ventures attended the launch of the Diamond Jubilee Challenge 2024, graced by Minister Josephine Teo.
It was a fruitful experience and discussion for all attending Scouts, and a start to another amazing year of Scouting.
Raffles Trail 2024
We welcomed flocks of Y1s to experience our scouting through pioneering structures, stove cooking and our swing! We are happy to announce that we again managed to fill all 72 trial slots within 24 hours of the event, showing the popularity of the 02 scouting experience.